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Q: Are you legal?
A: We are 100% legit and have a lot of regular customers who trust us!

Q: How to Buy?
A: You can place your order on our website and pay by credit card. If you need to use other payment methods please contact customer service.

Q: Why is my order on hold?
A: It means payment is not finished or pending confirmation. Contact our customer service to get more info.

Q: Why has my order failed/canceled?
A: It means payment has failed or the order exceeds on hold time, if you still want to proceed with your order, contact our customer service.

Q: When will my order be shipped?
A: Usual shipping time is 3-5 days, And delivery is 7-15 business days after shipment

Q: How can I track my package?
A: After your package is sent out, you will receive the tracking number in your email, and you can check it through 17track.(

Q: Payment method
A: In addition to credit cards, we also support Zelle, Wise, Cashapp, Venmo, and BTC/USDT, You can contact us for payment options.

Q: What happens if my order is lost in transit?
A: If you experience a lost item, you can contact us via WhatsApp and we will process a replacement.